ACCESS Hope House Clubhouse in Dearborn MI is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) accredited psychosocial rehabilitation program that focuses on helping adults with mental illness (re)discover their passions and interests. Our intentional working community is a non-clinical therapy-through-work program assisting people in living vocationally meaningful and socially satisfying lives by returning to work and school, living independently, participating in their community and developing a social support network. We are a standards-based and community-based Clubhouse and any adult residing in Wayne County with an on-going and persistent mental illness is eligible to join.
The Clubhouse experience has been proven to result in positive outcomes for many, including:
Better Employment Rates: 42% at accredited Clubhouses annually – double the average rate for people in the public mental health system.
Cost Effectiveness: One year of holistic recovery services are delivered to Clubhouse members for the same cost as a 2-week stay at a psychiatric hospital.
Hospitalization Decrease: Research has found a significant decrease in hospitalizations for individuals who participate in a Clubhouse program.
Improved Well-Being: Compared with individuals receiving psychiatric services without Clubhouse membership, Clubhouse participants were significantly more likely to report that they had close friendships and someone they could rely on when they needed help.
Better Physical and Mental Health: A recent study suggests that service systems like Clubhouses that offer ongoing social supports enhance mental and physical health by reducing disconnectedness.
Individual and group facilitation
Peer Supports
Medication Management Coordination
Employment Services/Resume Writing and Job Placement Opportunities
Smoking Cessation facilitation
Community presentations and advocacy for CMH’s, hospitals and group homes
Health Education including Exercise and Nutrition classes offered.
Transportation Assistance Provided
Free Legal Aid Offered
Ambassador opportunities through the Authority
Voluntary Meaningful work on the Culinary or Administration Team
ESL and Arabic Classes Offered
Newsletter Planning Committee
Social and Recreational Outings and no or low cost in the community
Medicaid Outreach and Enrollment
Culinary Planning Committee
GED Opportunities
Life Skills by voluntarily working in: Men and Woman’s Boutique, Locker Attendant, Dollar Store, Spa, Laundry
Attendant, Cooking for Clubhouse, Floral Attendant, Greeter, Answer Phones, Billing Attendant or Progress Note
Outpatient Day Program
Referral for Specialty Care
We service members of the community 18 years and older with an ongoing and persistent mental illness.
Funding Source
ACCESS Hope House is funded by Medicaid or private pay. Members may have access to the Medicaid Spend down Grant if applicable.
Ghinwah Karkaba, BA
Email: sends e-mail)
Phone: 313-518-1104
Current newsletter: December 2020
Past newsletters:
6470 Williamson St.
Dearborn MI 48126
Phone: 313-633-1361