The Transitional Supportive Housing Program is a program funded by both the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Office on Violence against Women. The program services victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking in the tri-county area. Transitional supportive housing provides stable and safe housing and supportive services to survivors and their children for up to 24 months. We aim to assist survivors with their personal, economic and housing goals by offering financial assistance to secure and maintain stable and safe housing, and time to heal. We offer advocacy, emotional support, referrals for practical resources such as personal and household items, and assistance gaining economic stability through education, employment and/or applying for public assistance. We provide a variety of resources and support depending on each survivor's situation and goals.
Obtaining safe housing
Financial assistance for rent, security deposits, utilities, for up to 24 months
A survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking
Nagham Dabaja, Behavioral Health Coordinator sends e-mail)