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Clone of Behavioral Health

ACCESS Behavioral Health provides integrated care to clients in southeast Michigan. The division provides a comprehensive continuum of services including trauma-informed care by professionals experienced in working with priority populations.  

The ACCESS Behavioral Health adopts a holistic, bio-psychosocial modality with a goal of helping individuals access needed services. The provided treatment modalities include individual and family counseling, psychiatric services, case management and peer support. The center follows the person-centered planning protocols to provide its counseling services.  

ACCESS Behavioral Health offers a wide range of services for adults, children and families. Many of its services are directly related to issues that exist within the Arab American and immigrant communities, while others address issues in the community at large. The bilingual, multi-cultural staff provide services to approximately 4,000 patients annually.  

ACCESS mental health programs:

Customer Service Hotline 1.833.774.0002



 CARF International                                                      Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network

DWIHN Customer Service

Member Handbook

DWIHN Office of Recipient Rights

Complaint Form

MDHHS Resources

MDHHS Office of Recipient Rights

How to Better Understand Your Mental Health Rights

Rights Information Handbooks and Podcast

ACCESS Behavior Policies:

Ability to pay Determination and Reimbursement

Accommodations for Limited English Proficiency

Assessments Reassessments and Referrals

Case Management and Supports Coordination Policy

Case Records Maintenance, Review, Retention, Storage, Restrieval and Schedule Disposal

Consent to Treatment and Services

Consumers and Staff Safety Policy

Court Ordered Mental Health Treatment and Evaluation

Credentialing and Re-credentialing Policy

Cultural and Linguistic Compentence Policy

Customer Service (CS) Enrollee and Member Appeals

Customer Service Policy

Fax Policy

HIPAA and Confidentiality of Records

Inclement Weather Policy

Infectious Control Precautions Policy

Limited English Proficiency Policy

Member Grievance Policy

Monitoring and Utilization Management Policy

Office Appearance, Health and Safey Policy

Outpatient Testing for Drugs of Abuse Policy

Peer Review Policy

Peer Services Policy

Person Centered Planning & Indivudual Plan of Service Policy

Progress Notes Policy

Psych Serv and Use of Psych Meds

Psychosocial Rehibilitation program - Clubhouse

Quality Assurance and QAPIP Policy

Referral Coordination and Integreation of Care

Reception desk duties and cell phone policy 

Sample medications Policy

Screening and Access to Services for Physical and Behavioral Health

Sliding Fee Discount Program

Standard Payment for Private Insurance and Self Pay for Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment

SUD MH Recipient Rights Treatment with Dignity and Respect

Supported Employment Policy and Procedures

Transition and Discharge Planning Policy

Treatment Intervention Policy

Universal Precautions Bloodborne Pathogens Policy

Workforce Development and Management Policy



Woman in great mental health with the help of the ACCESS Behavioral Health Division.
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