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Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program

The program’s goal is to reduce breast cancer morality by providing breast cancer awareness and screening. 

Program Goals  

  • Increase knowledge of breast and cervical cancer screening rates through specific outreach, culturally sensitive and appropriate educational programs to Arab American individuals and families.  

  • Remove structural, physical, interpersonal, financial, and cultural barriers; educate women about the importance of screening and inform women about the services available to them.  

  • To build advocates amongst the community for breast cancer awareness and screening.  

  • To increase the number of screenings among adults over age 50 and increase early detection of colorectal cancer. 

 Program Services 

  • Conduct outreach campaign events and individual home visits with Arab American men and women at risk for cancer  

  • Provide information and/or cultural assistance with services for the prevention of colon cancer with the expected outcome of increasing screenings for adults over 50 and increasing early detection of colorectal cancer.  

Target Audience 

At risk individuals  



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