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Community Stories

The Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) has nearly 100 programs that strive to assist, improve and empower people in the community locally and nationally. These stories highlight ACCESS programs in the community and across the country, as well as clients who are positively impacted by the organization. Nonprofit groups and media outlets are welcome to reprint these stories with attribution and/or to link to these pages. If you have questions, please contact the ACCESS Communications Department at 313-842-5128.


After a remarkable career, ACCESS President and CEO, Hassan Jaber, has made the decision to transition from his position to pursue national transformative projects.

In an effort to ensure the safety and well-being of clients and staff during this pandemic, our services are available remotely.

In April 2020, due to the suspension of field operations caused by COVID-19, the U.S.

These past two weeks have been exceptionally difficult. We know we are not alone when we say that our nation has failed the Black community, and many of us have played a role in that failure.
