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Community Stories

The Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) has nearly 100 programs that strive to assist, improve and empower people in the community locally and nationally. These stories highlight ACCESS programs in the community and across the country, as well as clients who are positively impacted by the organization. Nonprofit groups and media outlets are welcome to reprint these stories with attribution and/or to link to these pages. If you have questions, please contact the ACCESS Communications Department at 313-842-5128.


Ford Motor Co., Wayne State University, the Wayne State University Physician Group and ACCESS are launching a new initiative that will improve access to COVID-19 testing for symptomatic first respo

The uncertainty of these times can be daunting, but we remain steadfast in our commitment to the safety of staff and clients as we continue to provide all critical services remotely.

ACCESS is providing bilingual COVID-related resources from CDC, federal and state governments, in addition to ACCESS-translated resources

Three Detroit-area organizations have reopened drive-through coronavirus testing for symptomatic first responders and health care workers after briefly pausing to adjust staffing in the wake of Gov
